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Differences between new and old standards of terminal blocks
  • DATE:2018-11-05
  • VISIT:175

The use of wiring terminals has been continuously improved, so that the quality and use of wiring terminal products have been improved. The standards of new wiring terminal products are different from the previous standards, and there are some differences between new and old standards. The terminal manufacturer will talk about the differences between the new and old standards of terminal.
   1. Compared with the old standard, the new standard has certain improvement in the structure and material performance of wiring terminals;
  2、 The electromagnetic compatibility of the new standard includes anti-interference degree (Surge immunity, electrical fast transient / pulse group immunity, radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation immunity and electrostatic discharge immunity) and emission (radiation and conduction), while the old standard only has anti-electromagnetic interference requirements (anti-high-frequency conducted interference, anti-high-frequency radiated interference, anti-low-frequency conducted interference and anti surge overvoltage conducted interference);
   3. The power frequency dielectric test voltage value of the main circuit of new and old standard wiring terminals is different.