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Explain the working principle of wiring terminal in detail
  • DATE:2020-11-18
  • VISIT:182

In the whole process of assembly, the wiring terminal must withstand the high temperature in the preheating area and the temperature transmitted to the terminal itself through wave soldering. The flux shall not affect the terminal and shall be easy to eliminate without any residue. Tap water can be used for cleaning during assembly. Preheating temperatures are often as high as 100 ° C or higher, and peak temperatures as high as 280 ° C are rare. The perforated welding needle must be accurately positioned, with appropriate specification, balanced placement, and excellent weldability, which is beneficial to insertion and electric welding. In the assembly process, we must withstand the high-temperature impact caused by heat treatment. In electric welding, infrared preheating and convective preheating are the key to transfer the heat to the interface between welding needle and tin plate to melt solder paste. The anti fusion welding characteristics of the contact are poor. In case of starting the motor or short circuit fault of the line, the large current makes the contact. The head is firmly welded and can not be released. The contact made of pure silver is easy to be welded. The main contact of AC contactor shall be silver base alloy with strong fusion welding resistance, such as silver iron, silver nickel, etc.
   the wiring terminal is in the outer chain of optical fiber communication (transmission) in order to realize different modules. For the demand of flexible connection between machines, equipment and systems, there must be a component that can carry out removable (movable) connection between optical fibers, so that the optical path can be transmitted according to the required intact channel, so as to achieve and carry out the purpose and demand of reservation or expectation. The component that can realize this kind of function is called connector. The connection terminal is to connect the two end faces of the optical fiber with high accuracy, so that its optical ability of transmitting optical fiber output can be coupled to the receiving optical fiber to a great extent, and reduce the impact on the system due to its interference with the optical link. This is the basic provision of the optical fiber connector.
   the wiring terminal still has the connection characteristics when the temperature fluctuates greatly. Because it can prevent different levels of thermal deformation caused by the difference of thermal expansion coefficient of raw materials, it can also prevent mechanical stress in the end and prevent loosening of the connection. Use "reakdyn principle" to avoid loosening of terminal screws. In the selected terminal series products with rated section up to 10 mm2, the wire pressing frame adopts lifting barrel structure. Their working principle is based on the so-called "lifting cylinder principle". The continuous improvement of circuit board technology has greatly increased the amount of current that can be carried by the wiring terminals installed on the panel.